Pionirski dom is participating in this year's Slovenian book fair with the project Poets of Today - Voices of Tomorrow. The International Conference »Voices of Tomorrow: The Importance of Poetry in the Contemporary Educational System« is dedicated to exploring the role of poetry in the educational process and presenting good practices and methodologies for incorporating poetry into school curricula.

The project POT-VOT, leaded by the Pionirski dom, aims to raise public awareness of the vitality and relevance of contemporary poetry and to present living poets whose works address contemporary times and challenges. Through performances, workshops and poetry evenings, the project emphasizes that poetry is an important part of cultural expression that enriches the lives of young people, encourages creativity, critical thinking and emotional intelligence.
At the Slovenian Book Fair in November 2024, we are preparing an international conference:
November 26, 2024
International Conference Voices of Tomorrow: »Voices of Tomorrow: The Importance of Poetry in the Contemporary Educational System«
Location: Festival Hall of Pionirski dom, Vilharjeva street 11, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The conference is dedicated to exploring the role of poetry in the educational process and presenting good practices and methodologies for including poetry in school programs. The event is intended for students, teachers, professors, university lecturers and everyone interested in the role of poetry in education.
Conference programme:
8.30 – 9.00 Arrival
9.10 – 10.00 Introductory Lecture – Anja Zag Golob
10.00 – 11.00 Panel Discussion: Methodology of poetry in schools
Participants include representatives from »Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow« project teams:
Urša Strehar Benčina (Slovenia)
Weronika Murek (Poland)
Andrej Nosov (Serbia)
Anna Anttonen (Finland)
Nikoletta Szekeres (Hungary)
11.00 – 11.15 Break
11.15 – 13.15 Best practices of contemporary poetry – UNESCO cities of literature
Representatives from 6 cities present:
Marija Mažulė (Vilnius): "Understanding the Complexity of Poetry Through Translation"
Waldemar Mazur (Wrocław): "Poetry Doesn’t Bite and Can Be Cool Too – Less Theory, More Practice"
Edoardo Zuccato (Milan): "A Network for Contemporary Poetry"
Hawwa Alam (Manchester): "The Manchester Multilingual City Poets"
Maija Laugale (Riga): "Keeping Poetry Relevant: Engaging Students with Local Contemporary Poets"
Hannah Trevarthen (Nottingham): "Our City, Our Stories"
13.30 – 15.30 Lunch Break
15.30 – 17. 00 True Stories of Experiencing the Project – Round Table
The project »Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow« focuses on the collaboration of poets, teachers and high school students. During the round table discussion, two teachers, two poets, and a dramaturge who participated in the project will share their experiences and perspectives on how poetry can enrich the educational process and inspire young people towards reflection and critical thinking.
Veronika Dintinjana (Poet)
Lidija Dimkovska (Poet)
Mojca Osvald (Teacher, Bežigrad Grammar School)
Natalija Isak (Teacher, Ravne na Koroškem Grammar School)
Staša Prah (Dramaturge and Artictic Trainer)
19.00 – 20.00 Poetry performance by International Poets of the Project
The event will feature a poetry performance by international poets involved in the project:
Anja Zag Golob (Slovenia)
Harri Hertell (Finland)
Radmila Petrović (Serbia)
Małgorzata Lebda (Poland)
Márton Simon (Hungary)
In addition to the poets, their poetry will also be interpreted by high school students participating in the project Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow in Slovenia.
Concept and Direction: Staša Prah
Musicians: Eva Moškon and Davor Herceg